ICMTA 2021 was held online during October 14-16, 2021

ISBN: 978-3-0357-2684-8
Online Successfully indexed by
The papers provide the readers with an overview of many recent advances in the
fields related to materials science and engineering technology, including
modeling, analysis, computation, and optimization procedures, as well as
experimental methods of the research.
Prof. Ramesh K. Agarwal, Washington University in St. Louis, USA and Prof. Kazuo
Umemura, Tokyo University of Science, Japan delivered the keynote speeches.

Winners of Best Oral Presentations and Session Group
Then seven sessions were held to discuss the latest research and new findings.
For every session, one best oral presenter was selected by session chair.
Congratulation extends to the winners below.
Session I-Presenter: Prang Subpa-asa
From: Tokai University, Japan
Title: The Study on Blast Furnace Slag on Different Conditions as Curing
Condition and Blaine Value Ratio Influence Improving Strength
Performance |
Session II-Presenter: MOHAMAD Amin
From: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Title: Tailoring the Everolimus Immobilisation Time on Poly (L-Lactic
Acid/ Poly (D-Lactic Acid) Scaffold for Biodegradable Stent Coating
Development |
Session III-Presenter: Bin Li
From: Southeast University, China
Title: On the chirality-dependent adsorption behavior of volatile
organic compounds on carbon nanotubes |
Session IV-Presenter: Katarzyna Berent
From: AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Title: Limpets Shell Microstructure as an Inspiration for Synthetic
Materials |
Session V-Presenter: Biali Fernando
Lima Rodríguez
From: Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
Title: Parametric Modelling of Biomimetic Propulsion Systems for
Underwater Vehicles |
Session VI-Presenter: H. Kobori
From: Konan University, Japan
Title: Magneto-Transport Properties and Hole Self-Doping due to Excess
Oxygen Addition in Polycrystalline LaMnO3 |
Session VII-Presenter: Menandro Marquez
From: Mapua University, Philippines
Title: Supercapacitive performance of electrochemically |