ICMTA 2020 was held online during October 09-12, 2020 with workshop ICNNN for

ISBN: 978-3-0357-3784-4
Online Successfully indexed by
EI Compendex and
The papers provide the readers with an overview of many recent advances in the
fields related to materials science and engineering technology, including
modeling, analysis, computation, and optimization procedures, as well as
experimental methods of the research.
Prof. Ramesh K. Agarwal, Washington University in St. Louis, USA and Prof. Yun
CHI, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong deliverd the excellent keynote

Winners of Best Oral Presentations and Session Group
Then five sessions were held to discuss the latest research and new findings.
For every session, one best oral presenter was selected by session chair.
Congratulation extends to the winners below.
Session I-Presenter: KHAIRUL ANUAR Mat Amin
From: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
Title: Scaffolds Materials from Gellan Gum Incorporated Ball Clay as
Dressing Materials |
Session II-Presenter: M Dwiki Destian Susilo
From: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Title: Development of Molecular Imprinting Polymer Nanofiber For
Aflatoxin B1 Detection Based on Quartz Crystal Microbalance |
Session III-Presenter: Ramiro Correa-Jaramillo
From: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador
Title: Innovative Materials for Sustainable Construction |
Session IV: Presenter: Yi Xiang
From: Tohoku University, Japan
Title: A Data Mining Approach to Investigate the Carbon Nanotubes
Mechanical Properties via High-throughput Molecular Simulation |
Session V-Presenter: Akbota Aitbayeva
From: Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Title: Assessment of Recycled Toilet Bowl Wastes as Pozzolanic
Materials: Material Characterization and Performance of Mortar Mixtures |