(ISBN: 978-3-0357-1587-3), Vol.990
Online Successfully indexed by
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The proceedings present to the readers the newest results of researches which
cover the specific areas of materials science and of applied technologies:
composites; nanomaterials; alloys and metals; materials and technologies for
opto- and microelectronics; materials and technologies in biomedicine, waste
recycling and environmental engineering; building materials.
Winners of Best Oral Presentations and Session Group
Poster Session 1- Nanomedicine and Nanoelectronics
Winners: Prof. Kyungpyo Park, Seoul National University, Korea
Prof. Shyh Ming Kuo, I-shou university, Taiwan

Poster Session 2- Nanotechnology and Materials Science
Winner: Dr. Agnieszka Woszuk, Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Dr. Shinichi Hata, Sanyo-Onoda City University, Japan

Session 1- Biomedical Materials
Winner: Mr. Chen-Hsueh Lin, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Session 2- Material Chemistry
Winner: Dr. Chen Chen, China University of Petroleum (East China), China

Session 3- Metal Material
Winner: Mr. Shu Wei Yang, Chang Gung University, Taiwan

Session 4- Electronic Materials and Sensors
Winner: Dr. Xingling Yu, University of Science and Technology of China, China

Session 5- Nanostructures
Winner: Mr. Biao Ma, Southeast University, China

Session 6- Material Science and Engineering
Winners: Mr. Tim Mölling, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Ms. Bianca Gevers, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Session 7- Nanomedicine
Winner: Prof. Ying Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Session 8- Nanocomposites
Winner: Dr. Lydia Anggraini, President University, Indonesia

Session 9- Carbon Nanotube and Graphene
Winner: Dr. Sergei Bobylev, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Session 10- Nano Photoelectric Materials and Devices
Winner: Dr. Xiaoyuan Du, Beihang University, China

Session 11- Macromolecular Material
Winner: Dr. Md Hasanuzzaman, University of Malaya, Malaysia

Session 12- Nanomaterials and Cell Applications
Winner: Dr. Yiyan Wang, China University of Petroleum (East China), China

Session 13- Functional and Structural Materials
Winner: Ms. Rashi Gupta, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India